Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When the geek is in you, it is inescapable!

The key challenge of my design identity is to create a desire amongst children to visit a development centre to determine mental and physical shortcomings within children, WITHOUT allowing the child to feel inferior. Let’s face it, kids can be cruel.

Remember the days when being a geek was the least desirable stereotype? Yes, school…yikes!
How did we come to an era where being a geek is hip? Take us interior designers and architecture students for instance. We are passionate about things most people don't care about plus we have nonexistent social lives, yet we rock… You have to admit, Einstein was a geek, but he came up with E=mc2 square (meters)….

The trend Geek Chic is taking the fashion world by storm. This made me think: If Geeks like Einstein are changing the world, why were we once upon a time petrified to be associated as geniuses? Maybe this is the answer to the enigma of how the trend took flame in the first place. And how far is society prepared to accept the trend in design?

MIZ_C inspired me this week by saying that ‘constrains should become your design’ (little genius herself). Can a Geek Chic inspired identity be taken to a whole new level to change the world? Children have the ability to make a difference with a little help from the developments the centre offer. It’s time for the world to know what little geeks are capable off!!


  1. Im so glad i inspired you my friend! :) Your idea sounds very cool! Cant wait to see how everything unfolds :)

  2. lol, and that is what class crits are for...
